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Book Review 108 // Death’s Head by Josh Reynolds

The fourth week in a row of these Necromunda shorts. I can feel myself being absorbed into the lore of Necro, it maybe time to take the plunge and read some rulebooks soon. But whilst I attempt to avoid the lure of the spook dens, here is another short story titled Death's Head by Josh Reynolds.

Sitting at nineteen pages, it was a joy to sit down and read in an evening, whilst enjoying a re-run of Friday Dinners. The cover gives away that the story will involve the Goliaths which is unsurprising as the book came out with the game release. Whilst the tale itself is a simple one, Reynolds manages to give the reader two great characters to invest in, the lead of the story is Topek Greel, who has recently joined a Goliath gang and to become fully-fledged he must prove himself by seeking out Lother Hex. Hex is a famed killer and ex-guilder assassin and poor Topek has to bring him back to his gang leader for a chat. Failure to do so would result in his death, but to face off against such a famed killer will also be a fatal choice, what is a young Goliath to do?

Ultimately I enjoyed the tale for the simple fact that you only really have two characters Topek and Lother. It also lacks any real action beyond the opening pages (which are great) and allows you to deep dive into the Topek character and his history. I enjoyed the fact that Reynolds' made Topek an educated Goliath (a rare breed), a muscle-bound brute who actually has a brain. Until now most Goliaths in the stories have hardly been better than an Ork, so this is refreshing. This then allows Reynolds the freedom to create a true dialogue between the two characters. The story has a great plot twist towards the end, which brought me a smile and is hard to talk about without ruining the tale.

I highly recommend this short story, if you have read it drop me your thoughts in the comment and hit subscribe in the sidebar.

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