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Book Review 113 // A Common Ground by Mike Brooks

Can't believe how quickly I burning through these Necro short stories. I am really going to miss them. Today's read is A Common Ground by Mike Brooks. Here is the write up of the story:

In the Underhive of Necromunda, people fight for many reasons… Goliath ganger Jaxx may be a stimm-fuelled pit fighter, but there are all manner of reasons why he steps into the ring. When a mysterious woman offers Jaxx a chance at glory, as well as revenge against his conniving fight master, he must decide whether it's worth the price… his life.

A great short, here we have a story all about fighting, violence and the glory it can bring you. Jaxx is a brute, jacked up on Stimms, looking for his next fight. But he isn't all bad as the funds he is raising he gives to his closest relatives and surprising background for a Goliath. The short story manages to squeeze in a lot of character info and we are treated to some well thought out characters, including different hive houses and even a Noble House visiting the slums. Overall this tale offers a rare behind the curtain view of the hive and how people survive, or in most cases don't. There is plenty of violence throughout but a strange sense of sacrifice and trust that was unexpected. One of the strongest stories in this series so far, well worth the read.

I would love to read your thoughts on the novel if you have read it? Do you prefer love stories and bonds of kinship or do you want blood and guts with full-on gang warfare, when it comes to Necromunda?  Let me know in the comments and if you wish to support the blog hit follow or use one of the following links:

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