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Audio Review 134 // The Embrace of Pain by Ian St Martin

Everyone loves a bad guy, and I don't think they get worst in spirit than Lucius. He was amazing in the Horus Heresy books I have read and the idea of even in death he comes back and kills the winner is an amazing piece of lore. So I am hoping Ian St. Martin, does the character justice.

Title: The Embrace of Pain

Author: Ian St. Martin

Performed by: John Banks, Antonia Beamish, Robin Bowerman, Steve Conlin and Luis Soto.

Blurb: Lucius the Eternal is openly challenged by a champion of the old Death Guard Legion. Could an immortal daemonhost, blessed by Nurgle, be the undoing of the blademaster’s curse?

While voyaging through the depths of the warp, the infamous blademaster Lucius the Eternal is challenged by a servant of another god - a champion of the old Death Guard Legion, no less. Keen to remain dominant over his preening and ambitious rivals in the Cohors Nasicae, Lucius takes up his sword without a second thought... but could an unfeeling daemonhost of Nurgle, or the voices inside his own head, be the undoing of his Slaaneshi curse?

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As mentioned, I am a newer fan of Lucius, having rediscovered him through Horus Heresy lore. Before that, he was just a whip-loving chaos marine to me. So I was excited to see what Ian St. Martin would do with the character. It was, more interestingly, Ian St. Martin's first audio drama, so this would be a real test. 

The audio drama kicks off amazingly. We have a creepy intro that sets the mood and is perfectly aided by the music. Seriously love or hate Black Library stories I don't care, but you have to admit they know how to do an audio drama. Ian St. Martin seems to be a world-builder and does a truly great job at describing the locations and scenarios perfectly. Scenes are quick, brutal, and action-packed. But for me, it didn't add to the character. It was a fun listen and all but didn't make me want to learn more about Lucius or purchase a model.

High-quality piece, worth the listen for sure.

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