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Book Review 248 // Grey Knights by Ben Counter

This title has been sitting in my to-be-read pile for way too long. So with a week at the cottage, it was time to start and finish it.

Title: Grey Knights
Author: Ben Counter
Blurb: There are times when the scale of a daemonic infestation is such that even the most formidable and righteous Inquisitors need to call upon aid to triumph.

High speed action and adventure with the elite Grey Knights as they struggle to banish the powerful daemon Ghargatuloth before time runs out and the creature is free to rampage around the universe!
Ben Counter's latest foray into the war-torn far future is packed with white hot action featuring the superhuman daemon-hunters - the Grey Knights. From the epic clash between man and infernal daemon to the dark horrors of Chaos, Ben Counter hits the target on every level!

Format: 416 pages, Mass Market Paperback
Buy via my affiliate link pretty sweet kindle price for the omnibus.


For those who have yet to get used to 40K, Grey Knights are the elite of the elite. Space Marines who work for the Imperial Inquisition and whose sole purpose is destroying the daemon! The seers of the Imperium have been receiving dire warnings. A powerful daemon banished thousands of years ago is about to be summoned within the Trail of St. Evisser. It falls upon the Grey Knights to seek out and stop this from happening, but with few resources available, this will prove difficult.

The opening to this book is action-packed, full of gore, and, honestly, excellent. I had forgotten how intense 40k can be. Then from this, we enter an almost detective-style story, following a small team of Grey Knights attempting the impossible. To root out a cult hidden among millions of citizens over multiple planets. That has been planning a way for Thousands of years! This is a complex task and Counter conveys this perfectly.

There are surprising twists, and even though you may guess the correct answer, you will still be surprised by how they ultimately achieve their goal. The book is about 50 pages longer than it needs to be, as the author delves deep into the description, but as a fan of lore, this pleased me.

Give it a try. I am sure it will surprise you.

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